Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Countdown Weeks 5 & 6

On Sunday June 26th, we watched Order of the Phoenix as well as worked on our knitting projects for the Snuggles Project ( and Warm Up America (

On Sunday July 3rd, we will be watching Half-Blood Prince as well as working on our submissions for the Climate Crisis contests!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Climate Crisis Horcrux

The Deathly Hallows Campaign has been a long journey, but we're finally here. We have made it to the seventh Horcrux! The seventh Horcrux is the Climate Crisis Horcrux. The Climate Crisis is a hefty opponent to battle. It is strong enough to kill millions and millions of people; what can we possibly do to fight it? A lot. To make this battle more manageable, the Climate Crisis Horcrux has been divided into seven major themes.

1. Brooms and Floo Powder - This theme is about transportation and energy. In the wizarding world, the main forms of transportation are brooms and floo powder. These are very green ways to travel as they do not require energy. Things are very different in our world, at least I've never traveled by broom or floo powder. Many of us drive wherever we need to go. Sometimes driving is necessary, but sometimes it is not. Perhaps we could cut down on energy consumption by walking, riding a bike, carpooling, or using public transportation.

2. Forbidden Forests and Care of Magical Creatures - This one is about deforestation and agriculture. When done responsibly, farming can really benefit our world. However, there are also agricultural practices that have a negative impact and harm our environment. You can help with this theme by learning your carbon footprint. You can find out your carbon footprint by taking this quiz, Maybe there are aspects of your carbon footprint that could use a little work. For example, you could eat more locally grown foods or eat less processed foods.

3. Advocating for So-Called Muggleborns - This one deals with communities affected by the Climate Crisis. Because these communities are often indigenous or impoverished, they are often looked down upon, similar to how Muggleborns were often looked down upon in the wizarding world. However, these communities have many capabilities and are necessary in fighting the Climate Crisis.

4. The Chamber of Secrets Has Been Opened - Many of us have heard of the Chamber of Commerce. However, a lot of us don't know what the Chamber of Commerce is or does. It turns out the Chamber of Commerce is very similar to Lucius Malfoy. Because he was wealthy and influential, Lucius had a lot of pull with the Ministry of Magic. The Chamber of Commerce, on a national level, is one of the largest lobbying groups fighting recognition and acceptance of the Climate Crisis.

5. The Quibbler and Potterwatch - This theme is about media misinformation. While the Daily Prophet refused to report that Voldemort had returned, the media often refuses to report that the Climate Crisis is a problem. They make it seem like scientists are undecided on the issue when, in fact, as many as 97% of scientists agree that we need to be paying attention to the Climate Crisis.

6. A Better Burrow - This one deals with community, household, and neighborhood programs. There are many things that we can do in our homes, schools, and communities to help the environment. We can recycle. We can do less laundry. We can reduce our electricty use. We can even reduce the amount of trash that we make.

7. Phoenix Rising - The final theme is about celebrating the Earth and each other in creative/spiritual ways. Hogwarts students loved to enjoy nice weather by the lake. Similarly, we can get outside and enjoy nature. Another great way to participate in this theme is by submitting something to the art contest.

As part of this Horcrux, the HPA is teaming up with Splashlife ( to host two contests. For the first contest, HPA members are invited to generate ideas on how to battle the Climate Crisis. To help you focus your ideas for this one, check out Splashlife's website - The second contest is an art contest. It can be visual, music, video, or anything else you can imagine.

To learn more about this Horcrux, check out the website -

The Countdown Weeks 4 & 5

Week 4 of our movie countdown was this past Sunday, June 19. We watched Goblet of Fire as well as discussed the Climate Crisis Horcrux.

On June 26th, we will be watching Order of the Phoenix as well as working on our knitting projects for the Snuggles Project and Warm Up America.

Friday, June 17, 2011

The Countdown

Our movie countdown to the eighth and final Potter film continues!

On June 12th, we watched Prisoner of Azkaban and made Hero Mail cards for Operation Write Home.

On June 19th, we will be watching Goblet of Fire as well as discussing the Climate Crisis Horcrux.

The Climate Crisis Horcrux is the seventh Horcrux of the HPA's Deathly Hallows Campaign. To learn more about this Horcrux, go here -

Saturday, June 11, 2011

June Meeting Notes

Our June meeting was this morning, and here is the summary:

Deathly Hallows Campaign - The seventh Horcrux will be launched tomorrow at 4pm at It will be the Climate Crisis Horcrux, which as you've probably guessed from the name, has to do with the environment. We will know more about this Horcrux, including what the "ask" is, after tomorrow's livestream.

Knitting Projects - These are still going strong! We are knitting snuggles for the Snuggles Project ( as well as afghan squares for Warm Up America (

Operation Write Home - Since we didn't have a whole lot to discuss this month, we wrote some Hero Mail for Operation Write Home (

Movie Nights - These have been working out well so far, and we are going to continue them up until the final film. We will be watching Prisoner of Azkaban tomorrow. We'll also do a few more cards for Operation Write Home tomorrow; then we'll have a nice stack to mail out.

Next Meeting - Our July meeting will be Saturday July 23rd.

Dumbledore's Army of Delaware County is a community chapter of the Harry Potter Alliance. New members are always welcome! To learn more or to get involved, please e-mail To learn more about the HPA in general, please visit, You can also follow our chapter on Twitter,

Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Countdown Continues

We continued our countdown to the final Potter film this weekend as we watched Chamber of Secrets. We also worked on our knitting projects. We are knitting afghan squares for Warm Up America ( as well as snuggles for the Snuggles Project ( Here is some of our work so far: